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Gonchar Anastasiia

Gonchar Anastasiia
  • 6 years of medical experience

Навчалась в Національному медичному університеті імені О.О. Богомольця з 2010 по 2016 р. Була старостою групи, брала активну участь в студентських наукових гуртках неврології та психіатрії, студентських брейн-рингах, конкурсах «Що? Де? Коли?», студентських наукових конференціях.


  • Інтернатура на базі кафедри неврології №1 Національної академії післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика з 2016 по 2018 р.
  • Проходження курсів ТУ на базі НМАПО в 2018 р.
  • Учасник літньої школі молодих неврологів Волині, Пульмо, Україна в 2017 та 2018 рр.
  • Учасник тренінгу для молодих лікарів за підтримки ВООЗ «Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders», Київ, 2018 р.
  • Учасник воркшопу для тренерів за підтримки ВООЗ по Міжнародній класифікації функціонування, Київ, 2018 р.
  • Учасник конгресу European Academy of Neurology Regional Teaching Course, Львів, Україна, 2019 р.
  • Учасник симуляційного тренінгу для інсультних команд «Тромболітична терапія при інсульті» в рамках конгресу «Академія інсульту», Київ, 2019 р.
  • Учасник Першої школи доказової медицини, організованої M-Gate, Київ, 2019 р.
  • Учасник міжнародної школи неврологів з головного болю та екстрапірамідних захворювань, Париж, Франція, лютий 2020 р.
  • Слухач Конгресу Європейської академії неврології онлайн, травень 2020 р.
  • Слухач освітнього онлайн-курсу міжнародного товариства рухових розладів Movement Disorders Society, вересень 2020 р.

Since 2016, she has been an intern at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №9 in the Department of Neurology. From 2018 to 2020 she worked as a neurologist at the Kyiv City Center for Neurorehabilitation on the basis of KMKL №18. Ukrainian Association of Neurorehabilitation.

Professional interests
  • Treatment of headache, migraine, back pain, facial pain;
  • prevention and treatment of vascular diseases of the brain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anxiety-depressive, somatoform, motor disorders.
The best training

The best training for me was a 6-week internship in the movement disorders department at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Queen Square, London in 2024, where I had the opportunity to take over the world experience of managing patients with dystonia, Parkinson's disease, and essential tremor.

I also found it helpful to attend a 3-day course on Parkinson's disease from the International Society of Movement Disorders in Toulouse, France in 2024.

In 2023, I took part online in the annual virtual Congress on movement disorders of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society, where videos of clinical analyzes of rare cases of movement disorders from the world's leading experts were shown. During the Congress, participants had the opportunity to discuss with colleagues and express their ideas in real time, and this is a great opportunity to deepen their own knowledge.

I am also proud of my 4-week internship at the Leiden University Headache Clinic, the Netherlands in 2023.

In 2022, I took part in the work of the School for Young Neurologists from the International Society of Movement Disorders based at the Charité Clinic, Berlin. During this training course, I had the opportunity to communicate with experienced colleagues from all over Europe, conduct patient examinations and listen to the world's best experts in the field of movement disorders. She gained experience as a speaker, shared an interesting clinical case with colleagues and received positive feedback about her work. She returned home motivated for further success.

The medical profession requires constant training and improvement, and I am happy to keep up with global updates of professional information, drawing it from such authoritative global databases as Medscape, UpToDate, BMJ, PubMed, current guidelines on the websites of specialized societies. I also regularly follow scientific and practical information on specialized educational channels on Youtube.

Why medicine?

Medicine has always attracted me not only because it is one of the most difficult and responsible areas, but also the opportunity to join the big cause - to change this world is for the better, whether it is fighting someone's specific disease or global epidemics in general. As a child, I associated the profession of a doctor with altruism, kindness and encyclopedic knowledge. I consider professionalism, humanity and sincerity, the ability to look at the essence of things to be the most important in my work. It is motivated by the fact that the industry is developing dynamically and new techniques are emerging every year to treat previously incurable diseases.


Навчалась в Національному медичному університеті імені О.О. Богомольця з 2010 по 2016 р. Була старостою групи, брала активну участь в студентських наукових гуртках неврології та психіатрії, студентських брейн-рингах, конкурсах «Що? Де? Коли?», студентських наукових конференціях.


  • Інтернатура на базі кафедри неврології №1 Національної академії післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика з 2016 по 2018 р.
  • Проходження курсів ТУ на базі НМАПО в 2018 р.
  • Учасник літньої школі молодих неврологів Волині, Пульмо, Україна в 2017 та 2018 рр.
  • Учасник тренінгу для молодих лікарів за підтримки ВООЗ «Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders», Київ, 2018 р.
  • Учасник воркшопу для тренерів за підтримки ВООЗ по Міжнародній класифікації функціонування, Київ, 2018 р.
  • Учасник конгресу European Academy of Neurology Regional Teaching Course, Львів, Україна, 2019 р.
  • Учасник симуляційного тренінгу для інсультних команд «Тромболітична терапія при інсульті» в рамках конгресу «Академія інсульту», Київ, 2019 р.
  • Учасник Першої школи доказової медицини, організованої M-Gate, Київ, 2019 р.
  • Учасник міжнародної школи неврологів з головного болю та екстрапірамідних захворювань, Париж, Франція, лютий 2020 р.
  • Слухач Конгресу Європейської академії неврології онлайн, травень 2020 р.
  • Слухач освітнього онлайн-курсу міжнародного товариства рухових розладів Movement Disorders Society, вересень 2020 р.

Since 2016, she has been an intern at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №9 in the Department of Neurology. From 2018 to 2020 she worked as a neurologist at the Kyiv City Center for Neurorehabilitation on the basis of KMKL №18. Ukrainian Association of Neurorehabilitation.

Professional interests
  • Treatment of headache, migraine, back pain, facial pain;
  • prevention and treatment of vascular diseases of the brain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anxiety-depressive, somatoform, motor disorders.
The best training

The best training for me was a 6-week internship in the movement disorders department at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Queen Square, London in 2024, where I had the opportunity to take over the world experience of managing patients with dystonia, Parkinson's disease, and essential tremor.

I also found it helpful to attend a 3-day course on Parkinson's disease from the International Society of Movement Disorders in Toulouse, France in 2024.

In 2023, I took part online in the annual virtual Congress on movement disorders of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society, where videos of clinical analyzes of rare cases of movement disorders from the world's leading experts were shown. During the Congress, participants had the opportunity to discuss with colleagues and express their ideas in real time, and this is a great opportunity to deepen their own knowledge.

I am also proud of my 4-week internship at the Leiden University Headache Clinic, the Netherlands in 2023.

In 2022, I took part in the work of the School for Young Neurologists from the International Society of Movement Disorders based at the Charité Clinic, Berlin. During this training course, I had the opportunity to communicate with experienced colleagues from all over Europe, conduct patient examinations and listen to the world's best experts in the field of movement disorders. She gained experience as a speaker, shared an interesting clinical case with colleagues and received positive feedback about her work. She returned home motivated for further success.

The medical profession requires constant training and improvement, and I am happy to keep up with global updates of professional information, drawing it from such authoritative global databases as Medscape, UpToDate, BMJ, PubMed, current guidelines on the websites of specialized societies. I also regularly follow scientific and practical information on specialized educational channels on Youtube.

Why medicine?

Medicine has always attracted me not only because it is one of the most difficult and responsible areas, but also the opportunity to join the big cause - to change this world is for the better, whether it is fighting someone's specific disease or global epidemics in general. As a child, I associated the profession of a doctor with altruism, kindness and encyclopedic knowledge. I consider professionalism, humanity and sincerity, the ability to look at the essence of things to be the most important in my work. It is motivated by the fact that the industry is developing dynamically and new techniques are emerging every year to treat previously incurable diseases.

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Gonchar Anastasiia
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