About the direction
We use CT Somatom go.Top and Somatom Confidence.
- The radiation dose on such devices has been significantly reduced.
- Somatom Confidence is a specialized CT scan for planning radiotherapy. The images obtained on it allow medical physicists to calculate the radiation dose, and oncologists to carry out contouring (precise selection of the tumor and critical organs).
The team
Preparation for computed tomography (CT)
What do you need to know before conducting research?
- Before starting the study, it is necessary to provide a doctor’s referral (if any), as well as data from previous studies (conclusion, digital media) to the radiologist.
- Pregnant women are not recommended to undergo a CT examination due to the possible risk to the fetus, or to conduct it only if there are vital indications. Breastfeeding women should refrain from feeding their baby breast milk for the next 24 hours after the CT scan.
- MSCT for children is performed exclusively upon the direction of the attending physician. Children under 6 years of age may require sedation or anesthesia, so it is recommended that you make an appointment with a pediatric anesthesiologist in advance.
- An MSCT examination lasts approximately 15 minutes, in some cases up to 30 minutes.
Preparing for the study
- When conducting a CT scan of the abdominal organs, pelvic organs and MSCT oncology screening, the patient should drink up to 1 liter of water (still, plain water) in portions for 1 - 1.5 hours before the examination. On the day of the examination, you can take liquid food, but no later than 4 hours before the examination.
Preparing for contrast-enhanced computed tomography
If you have experienced acute adverse reactions to a contrast agent, such as allergic reactions, after oral, intracavitary or intravascular administration, you need to make an appointment with an anesthesiologist in advance to decide on the specific preparation that will make it possible to safely perform MSCT.
In order to conduct a safe study with contrast enhancement, it is recommended to determine the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by the level of blood creatinine in the following cases:
- Age > 65 years
- Diabetes mellitus
- Kidney failure.
To carry out the calculation, you must take a blood creatinine test. The calculation can be made in the laboratory, if it provides one, or independently using the formula: GFR = ((140 - age) x body weight (kg)) / (810 × creatinine in mmol/l) or using the link: http:/ /inephrology.kiev.ua/?page_id=1059
If the GFR value is < 30 ml/min/1.73 m², contrast-enhanced computed tomography cannot be performed.
*if the GFR value is 30 – 44 ml/min/1.73 m², patients with diabetes mellitus should stop taking Metformin 48 hours before and continue taking it 48 hours after the study.
МРТ в клініці Оберіг вразило мене своєю точністю і швидкістю. Лікар-рентгенолог Максим Ковратко був дуже професійним, і результати були готові дуже оперативно. Ця клініка - справжн...