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About the Field
The team
About the Field


Women often avoid mammograms due to fear of the pain during the procedure.

Truth: To obtain a high-quality diagnostic image and reduce the dose of ionizing radiation, the gland must be compressed, that is, squeezed. And it's scary. However, there are technologies and guidelines to change this.

To reduce compression discomfort:

  • we adhere to the recommendations for proper breast styling (mammography is performed by a specialist breast-radiologist);
  • our Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation mammograph calculates the optimal compression force for each gland and automatically stops when it is reached;
  • it is equipped with special, softer compression plates with rounded edges;
  • we recommend that you undergo screening mammography on the 7-12th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • This personalizes the procedure for each woman, her individual pain threshold. Mammography becomes comfortable.

Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation is perhaps the best in the world. And this is not only about reducing pain, but also about safety and, most importantly, the information content of the examination. Our mammograph has the function of tomosynthesis - that is, layer-by-layer scanning of the breast. This technology can detect breast cancer 30% more efficiently.

Also, the greatest scanning angle when performing tomosynthesis and the ability to build 3D breast reconstruction on our device contributes to a better detection of changes in the mammary gland.

MAMMOMAT Revelation is currently the lowest-dose mammography unit - this is achieved by a special technology that reduces the final radiation dose to the patient by 30%.

Every woman over the age of 40 who cares about her health should have an annual mammogram. By understanding the experiences of our patients, we make the passage of this delicate procedure informative, safe and not painful. In case of detecting changes in the mammary glands, a multidisciplinary team of mammologists, surgeons, oncologists, plastic surgeons takes care of the patients.

The team
Kovalyova Liliia Kovalyova Liliia
  • Mammologist
  • Oncologist
  • Oncosurgeon
  • Oncologist, mammologist
  • 22 years of medical experience
Shuliga Oksana Shuliga Oksana
  • Mammologist
  • Surgeon
  • Oncosurgeon
  • Expert in aesthetic mammoplasty
  • PhD in Medical Sciences 
  • 20 years of medical experience
Lysenko Oleksandr Lysenko Oleksandr
  • Radiologist
  • 38 years of medical experience
Mammologist Why "Oberig"?

We have the world's best mammogram MAMMOMAT Revelation from Siemens. Detection of changes in the mammary glands on our device is more effective due to the  largest scanning angle during tomosynthesis.  The device also allows to provide  3D-reconstruction of the breast . The device is equipped with technology that  reduces the final radiation dose for the patient by 30% .  
Together with mammologists, breast radiologists, oncologists, plastic surgeons we provide  full cycle of treatment of diseases of the breast and breast. 

Testimonials from our patients