On June 19, 2008 on the basis of the universal clinic "Oberig" a scientific-practical seminar "Reproductive surgery.
19 June 2008

19 June 2008
On June 19, 2008 on the basis of the universal clinic "Oberig" a scientific-practical seminar "Reproductive surgery. Assisted reproductive technologies in the treatment of infertility. Three decades of IVF ", which was attended by Dr. Med. Sciences, Professor Yuzko OM (Kyiv), MD. Sciences, Professor Feskov OM (Kharkiv), members of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine, heads and staff of reproduction clinics. Within the framework of the seminar, professors Oleksandr Yuzko and Oleksandr Feskov held a master class. Several endoscopic operations on reproductive surgery were performed in the operating room clinic: laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, hysteroresectoscopy and fertiloscopy. Thanks to the modern telecommunication equipment of the Oberig clinic, the participants of the seminar could directly observe the execution of all stages of the operation on-line while in the conference. hall, hear the comments of professors