Brain gliomas
24 October 2023

24 October 2023
Gliomas are specific brain tumors that develop from glial cells. Gliomas are characterized by rapid, infiltrating growth. The group of low-grade gliomas includes grade II infiltrative astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, oligoastrocytoma (they occur more often), as well as ganglioglioma, gangliocytoma, juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, dysembryonic neuroepithelial tumors.
For the initial stage of the disease, non-specific general brain symptoms are typical: headache, fatigue. When the tumor increases, neurological symptoms appear: epileptic seizures, focal neurological symptoms that correspond to the site of the lesion.
In the diagnosis of brain gliomas, the main methods are MRI of the brain with contrast, CT / spiral CT.
Specialized treatment of patients with gliomas involves the use of all methods of antitumor treatment: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy. Given the presence of compression-dislocation syndrome, surgical removal of the tumor is the first priority. Mini-invasive endoscopic neurosurgical technologies, combined with microsurgical techniques, make it possible to remove even deeply located tumors, to which gliomas mostly belong. The development and introduction of microsurgical endoscopic approaches brought the operative treatment of deeply located tumors to a qualitatively new level — the possibility of maximally complete resection of the tumor without gross neurological deficit in the patient after surgery.
After surgical intervention on the brain, a pathomorphological examination of the tumor is carried out in order to clarify its pathomorphological and immunohistochemical characteristics for planning a further scheme of radiation and chemotherapy.
Treatment of gliomas is a complex task and requires the coordinated work of a multidisciplinary team — a neurosurgeon, a radiation therapist, a chemotherapist, a pathologist, a neurologist, and, if necessary, specialists in neurorehabilitation. At the "Oberig" clinic, our team has a successful experience of helping patients with brain tumors, so we advise you to contact us for help.
Call: 044 521 30 03 or sign up for a consultation on the website: