Tumors of the fourth ventricle of the brain
3 November 2023

3 November 2023
Tumors of the fourth ventricle of the brain are represented by ependymomas, medulloblastomas, astrocytomas and some other types of tumors. Their danger is caused by damage to the brain stem structures, where the centers of vital functions are located.
Tumors of the fourth ventricle are rare and occur mainly in young people.
Tumors of the fourth ventricle of the brain are manifested by headache, nausea and vomiting, impaired coordination and balance, impaired swallowing, especially of liquid food. Symptoms observed in tumors of the fourth ventricle can be divided into 2 groups:
1 — symptoms of occlusive hydrocephalus
2 — symptoms of damage to the nuclei of cranial nerves located in the rhomboid fossa
A certain similarity of the clinical symptoms of tumors of the third and fourth ventricles is observed in the first stages of the development of the disease, but for tumors of the fourth ventricle, pain, gross disorders of coordination of movements, impaired balance and gait (cerebellar ataxia) are characteristic, and later symptoms of damage to the nuclei of the rhomboid fossa are added.
Diagnosis involves CT and/or MRI of the brain with contrast.
In most cases, treatment of tumors of the fourth ventricle of the brain involves simultaneous two-stage surgical intervention — elimination of hydrocephalus by endoscopic perforation of the bottom of the third ventricle followed by direct intervention with removal of the tumor of the fourth ventricle. The second stage of this operation is performed by a subtentorial transcerebellar microsurgical approach with the patient in a sitting position.
According to the results of histological examination of the tissue of the removed tumor, the following radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment is performed. Modern combined methods of treatment of intracerebral tumors are able to increase the duration and quality of life of patients compared to the therapeutic possibilities of the previous decade.
The most complex neurosurgical interventions are performed in the Neurosurgery Center of the "Oberig" clinic. The center is headed by a neurosurgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Professor Andrii Oleksandrovych Danchyn.
Call: 044 521 30 03 or sign up for a consultation on the website: https://my.oberig.ua/ua/appointment/