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Страхові компанії та медичні асистанси

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Clinic partners
Clinic partners
Our Advantages
The most powerful diagnostic center in Ukraine

A team of experienced specialists uses the latest MRI, CT, ultrasound, and mammography with tomosynthesis to provide accurate and reliable examination results.

Advanced technologies

We use the latest medical equipment and software from leading global manufacturers: Siemens, Varian, Tesla.

Modern and evidence-based treatment methods

A full range of modern methods for treating oncological diseases, cardiological, neurological pathologies, and other illnesses.

Team expertise

We assemble a medical council in complex cases for the most effective treatment results.

Modern inpatient care

148 comfortable beds, 6 operating rooms, intensive care, and day care – we have everything for effective treatment with maximum comfort.

Own laboratory and pathohistological center

Get a complete examination and quick, accurate test and histological results without leaving the clinic.