Answers to the questions of patients of gynecologist Anna Novosad
27 August 2014

27 August 2014
Добрий день! Мені 26 років, одружена рік, вагітності не було. На даний момент затримка місячних складає 19 днів. Була на прийомі у лікаря, сказали, що вагітності поки не видно, поставили діагноз "дріжджовий кольпіт". Тест показує негативний результат. Підкажіть, хоча б приблизно, у чому може бути причина затримки місячних, якщо тест негативний. (З чоловіком не запобігаємося, бо дуже хочемо дитину)
Менструальний цикл жінки досить чутливий до будь-яких змін, які можуть відбуватися в організмі. Причинами затримки менструації можуть бути як функціональні зміни (наприклад вагітність, різкі зміни ваги, так звана "акліматизація" і т.п.), так і інші не властиві здоровому організму стану, наприклад запальні процеси, кісти яєчників, гормональні збої і т.п .) Більш точно можна визначити після огляду гінеколога. Тест на вагітність не завжди є показовим, більш інформативний метод - це здача аналізу крові на ХГЛ.
Не відкладайте свій візит до гінеколога.
Hello! Tell me, is it possible to do hysterosalpingography and diagnostic hysteroscopy at the same time? What kind of anesthesia is used in this case?
In our clinic hysterosalpingography and diagnostic hysteroscopy can be performed in one day. Both procedures are performed in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle (up to the 11th MDC).
Diagnostic hysteroscopy can be performed both without anesthesia and under intravenous anesthesia. Anesthesia is not required for hysterosalpingography (local anesthesia is sufficient if necessary).
The type of anesthesia is discussed in each case individually after consultation and examination by a gynecologist.
Good afternoon, Anna Viktorivna. I am planning a pregnancy soon. Blood test for folic acid showed a result of 10.8. Do I need to take additional drugs (when to start and in what doses) or not, because as far as I know, an excess of fouls. acid for pregnant women is it also undesirable? Thanks in advance for the answer.
Yes, really an excess of folic acid, like any other vitamin, is undesirable.
< But during pregnancy, the level of folic acid is reduced physiologically and that is why it is recommended to use it 3-6 months before the planned conception. The result specified by you corresponds to the norm and belongs to the average range of reference values (4-20). Additional folic acid intake is required for 3 months before the planned conception in the dose recommended for the prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus, ie 0.4 mg / day.Question:
Good afternoon, Anna Viktorivna! I am 8 weeks pregnant (counting from the first day of the last M). I was tormented by toxicosis, almost nothing to eat, my eyes darken. Is it possible to detoxify the body with medication (for example, a drip)? And how much will it cost? Thank you in advance.
Early toxicosis, which is most often manifested by severe nausea and vomiting, which can result in dizziness, severe loss of strength, requires mandatory medical treatment. You need to be hospitalized for adequate therapy and control of your condition and the condition of the baby. The period of stay in the hospital depends on the effectiveness of treatment, usually lasts at least 5 days.
Hello! I am interested in the procedure of hysterosalpingography. Do you do it with anesthesia (such as medical sleep)? Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor and do all the tests / examinations for this procedure at once? Thank you in advance!
Hysterosalpingography does not require intravenous anesthesia. We have this procedure performed with local anesthesia.
The optimal days for the procedure are the 7-11th MD. You can make an appointment and undergo all the necessary examinations a few days before the procedure or on the eve of menstruation.