Diagnosis of brain tumors
27 September 2023

27 September 2023
Diagnosis of brain tumors
Examination of a patient suspected of having a brain disease includes a consultation with a neurologist (collection of complaints, history of life and illness, physical examination) and mandatory laboratory and instrumental studies:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast (gadolinium-based contrast agent is used) is the diagnostic gold standard for brain tumors. Perfusion MRI and positron emission tomography (PET) with amino acids are also used to help identify "hot" nodes for tumor biopsy, especially when it is not an open biopsy with tumor resection. Electroencephalography can help monitor tumor-associated epilepsy and determine the cause of altered consciousness.
Cytomorphological, immunohistochemical determination of the nature of the tumor is carried out at the next stage after establishing the parametric characteristics of the neoplastic process (size, nature, localization, degree of invasion of neighboring and other brain structures, etc.). Tumor material is taken during surgery to remove the neoplasm (full or partial - depends on resection capabilities) or during diagnostic trepanation. Most often, diagnostic biopsies are performed in the case of multifocal brain damage, diffuse nature of tumor growth, damage to deep brain structures and/or vital brain centers, when tumor removal is impossible or impractical). The material obtained during the biopsy is subject to histological, immunohistochemical, and in some cases — molecular genetic and cytogenetic studies. Conducting these studies is important given the fact that the treatment of brain tumors is an extremely complex clinical task, where the combination of treatment methods (surgical, pharmacological, radiation) depends on many characteristics of the tumor.
Diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors using world-class technologies is possible at the Neurosurgery Center of the Universal Clinic "Oberig", which is headed by Andrii Oleksandrovich Danchyn - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, neurosurgeon with 26 years of experience. His experience and expertise have saved thousands of lives for patients with neuro-oncology diagnoses.
Call: 044 521 30 03 or sign up for a consultation on the website: https://my.oberig.ua/ua/appointment/