Metastatic lesions of the brain
3 November 2023

3 November 2023
More than 50% of all malignant tumors found in the brain have a metastatic nature. Sometimes (according to world statistics - 15%) metastases in the brain are the first manifestation of an oncological disease with primary extracranial localization.
The increase in the frequency of metastases in the brain is, not surprisingly, associated with the success of medicine in the treatment of oncological pathology: an increase in the life expectancy of patients due to the effective treatment of the primary oncological process; improvement of the quality of methods of visualization of brain structures; most of the chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, so tumor cells find a "safe hiding place" there; some anticancer drugs are able to weaken the blood-brain barrier and facilitate the penetration of the tumor into the brain.
In children, metastasis to the brain most often occurs with neuroblastomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, Wilm's tumor.
There are primary tumors of the central nervous system that metastasize to various areas of the brain and spinal cord, as well as malignant tumors of other organs and systems that metastasize to the central nervous system.
Primary brain tumors metastasizing through the cerebrospinal fluid
Primary oncological diseases that metastasize to the brain
All metastatic lesions of the brain refer to intracerebral tumors, therefore, clinical symptoms correspond to both general clinical manifestations (headache, nausea, impaired coordination of movements) and focal pathological symptoms: speech impairment, limb paresis, visual impairment. Taking an anamnesis is of great importance, because in cases where a person has had an oncological disease in the past, it allows to suspect a metastatic lesion of the brain, and not a primary tumor process in the central nervous system.
Diagnosis of metastatic lesions of the brain is carried out with the help of MRI and/or CT examination with contrast. A characteristic feature of a metastatic lesion on brain tomograms is significant swelling of the brain tissue around the neoplasm.
Single metastases, or several located in close proximity to each other, are subject to surgical removal, taking into account the danger of developing complications due to their rapid growth. Microsurgical technologies are used with preoperative navigational mapping of the pathological focus, especially when they are located deep. In the future, according to the results of histological examination, combined treatment is carried out, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The patient must undergo regular examination with the help of CT/MRI of the brain.
In the "Oberig" clinic, patients with metastatic lesions of the central nervous system are provided with highly specialized oncological care, which includes neurosurgical treatment, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
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