Neuroma of the bridge-cerebellar angle
31 October 2023

31 October 2023
The pontine-cerebellar angle is the most frequent localization of neurinomas, benign tumors that develop from the cells of the sheath of the peripheral nervous system (so-called Schwann cells) and are characterized by slow growth. Morphologically, it would be correct to call them vestibular schwannomas rather than neurinomas, since they originate from the upper vestibular portion of the VIII nerve.
Acoustic neuroma, or vestibular schwannoma, is one of the most common types of intracranial tumors (from 8 to 10% of all intracranial brain neoplasms).
The causes of neurinomas are unknown, but a certain risk can be caused by hereditary predisposition, adverse environmental factors, exposure to radioactive radiation, transferred infectious diseases, etc.
A neuroma located in the bridge-cerebellar angle is most often manifested by three early symptoms: unilateral hearing loss (subtle and progressive), high-frequency ringing in the ear, and balance disorders.
Diagnosis of neuroma is carried out with the help of MRI and CT-examination.
Treatment of neuroma of the bridge-cerebellar angle (acoustic neuroma) — operative removal. Interventions for neurinomas are technically difficult, because they require the perfect skill of a neurosurgeon due to the anatomical features of the ponsocerebellar angle — the tumor process in this area affects the facial nerve, which undergoes deformation and thinning. Because of these changes, there is a risk of loss of function of the facial nerve after surgery. In case of complications from the facial nerve, reconstructive operations are performed.
Modern approaches to surgical intervention involve minimally invasive endoscopic interventions, which are performed at the level of world standards at the Neurosurgery Center of the "Oberig" clinic by an experienced neurosurgeon with 26 years of experience, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Doctor of Ukraine Andriy Oleksandrovich Danchyn
Call: 044 521 30 03 or sign up for a consultation on the website: