Why does the eye twitch and the hands tremble?
8 June 2021

8 June 2021
The eye twitches and hands tremble. These conditions can affect anyone, and you've probably felt it before.
Eye itching very often does not indicate a serious health problem and occurs because of our lifestyle: physical fatigue, excessive stress, lack of sleep, abuse of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine. Usually the symptom passes if the person copes with these factors. However, there are cases when you need a doctor's help.
Hand tremor (tremor) can also be caused by emotional arousal. But often it is evidence of Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, drug abuse, alcohol, caffeine.
Neurologist Anastasia Gonchar in the Morning of Hope tells what to do, if these symptoms occur, when to consult a doctor so as not to miss the development of the disease, and what to look for in the elderly: