Recommended for all women to read! Popular about ovarian cysts
23 October 2012
23 October 2012
What does a woman need to know about the most common female disease that requires surgical treatment, an ovarian cyst? The head of the Women's Health Center of the Oberig Clinic, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences, V.D. Lishchuk. This information will be useful for every woman, do not spare a few minutes of your time and read.
Cyst - a term, rather, household. And in the scientific literature it is called ovarian formation, ovarian tumor or cystadenoma. It is a benign formation filled with fluid. But not only her. The ovaries are a unique organ. It is formed from all three shells from which man is formed. Therefore, tumors in it can have a different structure. There are also functional cysts. They occur when the follicles or corpus luteum fail. The causes of cysts are unknown to science. But we know its possible consequences.
It can lead to:
This issue cannot be delayed. But the stories of girlfriends can be confusing: they say that "such a thing" has dissolved in itself. And it is really possible. But only if the cyst is functional. Highly qualified gynecologists know about it. If the ultrasound results indicate the nature of the cyst, resort to the method of observation and / or conservative treatment with special drugs. This is the balanced approach used by doctors of the Oberig clinic. Contradictory in medicine is the need to remove endometrioid cysts of small size up to 3 cm - the issue is resolved in each situation. But in most cases, without surgery, unfortunately, can not do. Ovarian cyst removal is the number one surgical procedure in gynecology.
Scars, the danger of infertility, the need to stay in the hospital for a long time - that's what scares women when it comes to surgery. This is often the cause of an imaginary escape from the problem. Many of us walk with a cyst, fearing the "horrors of the scalpel." And approach the likelihood of serious complications. But the fact is that not all doctors announce to their patients the possibility of laparoscopy - a minimally invasive operation (with minimal intervention in the body). It provides a quick return to normal life. At the Oberig clinic, many patients are discharged the day after laparoscopy - with subsequent recovery at home (but with a mandatory visit to the doctor). If necessary, issue a hospital.
It is mistakenly believed - and this myth that sin is hidden, and spread by some doctors: with the traditional method of the surgeon can better see what is being done inside than with minimally invasive interventions. In fact, during laparoscopy, a special device connected to the screen is introduced through a special puncture. It allows doctors to fully examine and control the abdominal cavity - without any incisions. Through other punctures, medical instruments are inserted and the cyst is removed. And the tumor is removed through special catheters (this operation, as well as traditional strip, is done under general anesthesia). Good cosmetic effect. There are no scars left. Instead of huge incisions - small punctures: two or three only 0.5 cm and one the size of 1 cm. The maximum chance of giving birth after removal of the cyst.
Laparoscopy is performed in medical institutions of Ukraine. But when choosing a clinic you need to take into account the experience of doctors - as written on the forums, how much the surgeon "stuffed his hand." At the Women's Health Center of the Universal Clinic "Oberig" 83% of operations are performed using minimally invasive technologies. And this corresponds to the gold standard abroad. Already 70-90% of all surgical interventions in gynecology in clinics in Western Europe are performed in this gentle way. But we must look at the problem realistically: laparoscopy may not always be. It all depends on the size and nature of the tumor. Sometimes laparotomy is indicated - the traditional removal of a cyst with incision of the abdominal cavity. But an experienced surgeon will perform it with minimal risk to the woman.
As mentioned, the cyst often does not make itself felt. In some cases, there may be menstrual irregularities, discomfort, lower abdominal pain. But often do without these symptoms. The main thing in its diagnosis is a regular (at least once every six months) examination by a competent gynecologist. If the doctor finds a formation in the ovaries, he must send for additional examination. This is an ultrasound and a test for tumor markers (blood test). We warn women against surrendering tumor markers on their own. Sometimes the results can be misinterpreted by non-specialists.
Only a doctor should refer to such an analysis and evaluate it! Also, if necessary, a study is appointed ... of the stomach and colon. Unfortunately, ovarian growths can be caused by secondary changes in cancer of this organ. This seemingly very far from "gynecological issues" analysis cannot be ignored.
І все ж, якою б не була операція - малоінвазивна або традиційна - в солідних клініках бов'язково повинні проводити термінове цитологічне дослідження - прямо під час хірургічного втручання. дже все передбачити неможливо - навіть при добрих аналізах. Якщо «екстрена цитологія» покаже: картина не настільки оптимістична - можна вжити термінових заходів, не втрачаючи дорогоцінного часу. Ще один важливий факт. Жінки, у яких була кіста, - в групі ризику по виникненню нових пухлин в яєчниках. Після операції лікар завжди дає індивідуальні рекомендації, як поводитися, щоб не допустити повторення сценарію. І слід пам'ятати: хоч причини виникнення кіст не з'ясовані, відомі фактори-провокатори. Це шкідливі звички, переривання вагітності. Є сенс вести здоровий спосіб життя, вибрати ефективний метод контрацепції (якщо в найближчому майбутньому не плануєте стати мамою) - і зберегти здоров'я.
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