How to overcome postcocious syndrome?
12 May 2021

12 May 2021
Most people who become ill with COVID-19 recover within a few weeks. But some cannot return to normal life due to cough, weakness and other symptoms for several months after the infection. This is a postcocious syndrome. Its development does not depend on the severity of COVID-19. You can get sick easily, but later face the unpleasant consequences of coronavirus infection.
English-speaking patients call their condition "Long COVID". In postcovid syndrome, symptoms that develop during or after coronavirus infection last for more than 12 weeks. Usually people complain of several symptoms that together significantly worsen the quality of life. Symptoms can "move" through the body, affecting different systems. Their intensity may decrease and increase again.
We are used to seeing coronavirus as a respiratory infection that mainly damages the lungs. But it actually affects many other organs, including the heart, blood vessels and brain. The list of complaints with postcovid syndrome is long. The most common symptoms are:
Respiratory problems after COVID-19 are associated with postcocious pulmonary fibrosis. Due to inflammation, the tissues are "scarred" and the lungs cannot function properly. Postcoccal fibrosis most often occurs in patients older than 65 years who have had a severe course of the disease. Fortunately, these changes are reversible. The lungs can be restored with proper and timely rehabilitation. Breathing exercises and moderate exercise will help.
Coronavirus affects the heart, even in people with mild symptoms. Therefore, you should not immediately return to active sports - it can hurt. Doctors advise to come for a heart examination 2-3 weeks after recovery - to do a cardiogram and ultrasound. And only after making sure that the heart is normal, you can gradually resume training.
After the disease, people often develop myocarditis - inflammation of the myocardium. One in five patients is diagnosed with pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium and the presence of fluid in the heart. In most cases, it is enough just to save yourself, reduce the load. And be under the supervision of a cardiologist.
People with postcocious syndrome often complain of depression and anxiety, as well as sleep disturbances. On the one hand, these problems may have physiological causes due to the infection. On the other hand, they are related to the stress we all experience during a pandemic. People who have had severe COVID-19 and are in intensive care may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
Many also have symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a complex disorder characterized by extreme weakness. It is exacerbated during physical and mental activity. And rest does not bring the desired recovery. Many patients complain of impaired memory, ability to concentrate, and a feeling of "fog in the head." Of course, this prevents you from returning to full work.
Постковідний синдром – це комплексна проблема, тому з пацієнтом повинна працювати команда фахівців. Індивідуальна реабілітація починається з консультації лікаря терапевтичного профілю, який має оцінити фізичні, когнітивні, психологічні та психіатричні симптоми, а також функціональні можливості. Важливо врахувати вплив постковідного синдрому на роботу, освіту, настрій і соціальні зв’язки людини.
Лікар за необхідності направляє до вузьких спеціалістів – наприклад, невролога, пульмонолога чи кардіолога. Фізичний терапевт допомагає впоратися зі втомою і покращити мобільність, навчає робити дихальні вправи. Депресія, тривога та безсоння також не повинні залишатися поза увагою. Тому до реабілітаційної команди обов’язково має входити психолог.
Фахівці нашої клініки готові допомогти людям, які перенесли COVID-19 та відчувають довготривалі наслідки захворювання. Заповніть анкету про стан вашого здоров’я за посиланням, і лікар порадить, як відновитися після коронавірусної інфекції та подолати постковідний синдром.