Treatment of astrocytoma
27 September 2023

27 September 2023
In the treatment of brain astrocytes, all types of anti-oncological interventions are used: neurosurgical removal of astrocytoma, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy. Drug therapy is mandatory at the stage of preparation for surgical intervention, intensive during surgery and accompanying at the stages of the early postoperative period, symptomatic - if there are indications at the next stages of treatment (radiation, chemotherapy).
The main method of treating brain astrocytes is surgical. According to the results of histological verification, in the case of a malignant nature of the tumor, radiation therapy is prescribed, chemotherapy is indicated. For tumors with a diameter of less than 3 cm, it is possible to use a radiosurgical method of treatment followed by regular MRI control of treatment results (dynamic monitoring).
Surgical treatment of astrocytes.
The goal of neurosurgical intervention in brain astrocytomas is to remove the neoplasm as completely as possible within functionally reasonable limits, decompress brain structures and restore effective blood flow. Immunohistochemical, pathohistological, genetic research of the removed tumor allows to establish an accurate diagnosis for further radiation, chemotherapeutic or combined treatment.
Advanced neurosurgical centers perform neurosurgical interventions using neuronavigation systems. Neuronavigation technologies allow during surgery to precisely establish the localization of a tumor in the brain, direct the trajectory of surgical action, conduct online navigational intraoperative control during tumor removal, increase the possibility of maximally complete tumor removal, and reduce the trauma of surgical intervention. The use of endoscopic technologies during the removal of brain tumors makes it possible to ensure a high degree of accuracy of microsurgical manipulations and reliable hemostasis.
Endoscopic neurosurgical technique for brain tumors is appropriate for taking a biopsy, removing small tumors located deep in the brain tissues, for suctioning the contents of cystic tumors.
Radiation therapy for astrocytomas
Radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms is started 3 to 5 weeks after surgery, or earlier if the course of the postoperative period and the general condition of the patient are satisfactory. The main goal of radiation therapy for astrocytomas is to suppress local tumor growth without induced neurotoxicity. Usually, the total dose of radiation is 50-60 Gy and is divided into daily fractions of 1.8-2 Gy. At the same time, the specific scheme and dose, duration and number of radiation therapy courses are determined individually depending on the characteristics of the tumor, the amount of removal of the tumor process, and the patient's condition. It is important that modern radiation therapy equipment (for example, installed in the Oberig clinic - give the name of the equipment, the year of manufacture) allows you to create an individual radiation map of the affected tumor areas with no or minimal impact on the adjacent areas.
Chemotherapy for astrocytomas
Treatment of astrocytes in most cases is of a combined nature, and chemotherapy is included in the treatment protocols, but the appointment of certain drugs takes place in accordance with the results of the mandatory determination of the individual sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapy drugs.
Concomitant therapy is carried out in order to reduce brain swelling. The main drug is dexamethasone, the dose of which is between 8 and 48 mg per day. If necessary, diuretics may be prescribed.
At the "Oberig" clinic, patients with astrocytoma are treated by a neurosurgical team headed by highly qualified neurosurgeon Andriy Danchyn , who has over 26 years of experience and 13,000 surgical interventions. The high professional level of specialists of the Neurosurgery Center of the "Oberig" clinic and the most modern equipment together with all the possibilities for microsurgical and endoscopic surgical interventions, radiation and chemotherapy create conditions for patients with brain tumor diseases to receive world-class specialized medical care.
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