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Department for COVID-19 Treatment

Department for COVID-19 Treatment
About the department
About the department

The Oberig Clinic accepts patients with COVID-19. Round the clock 24/7.

We have opened an inpatient unit for patients with COVID-19.

  • The hospital wards are equipped with oxygen support equipment; we perform artificial ventilation of the lungs of any level of complexity; we provide resuscitation treatment with devices for constant monitoring of the state of all body functions; we carry out diagnostics on ultrasound, CT, MRI and laboratory tests;
  • We use the latest COVID-19 treatment protocols in Europe and the United States; We follow the recommendations on the provision of assistance and organization of work of the offices from CDC and WHO;
  • Patients are treated by experienced infectious disease doctors, resuscitators, anesthesiologists, therapists with the involvement of highly specialized doctors; the department is constantly consulted by professors-infectious disease specialists Sergey Kramarev and Olga Holubovska;
  • We transport to the clinic from home or another hospital by an intensive care unit; a medical emergency team leaves for patients;
  • The hospital is separate from other departments of the clinic; provided with everything necessary for the comfort and tranquility of patients: single and double rooms, full food, WI-FI.
  • Our clinic operates in a mode of increased infection control. We also urge everyone not to neglect safety rules: wear face masks, cover your mouth and nose, disinfect your hands, maintain social distance and avoid crowds. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, be sure to see a doctor.

For details call the contact center: +38 044 521 30 03.

Our address: Kyiv, st. Zoolohichna, 3-V.

Your "Oberig"

Department for COVID-19 Treatment Why Department for COVID-19 Treatment?

The daily spread of coronavirus is becoming increasingly threatening. To be close to our patients in this difficult time, we will open an inpatient department for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 on September 29, 2020; Permits have been obtained.

 The treatment process will be provided by clinic physicians led by professors of infectious diseases. We are provided with all the necessary resources for treatment in accordance with the best practices that have been developed in various countries in Europe and the United States.