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Thrush (vaginal candidiasis)

Thrush (vaginal candidiasis)


  • Accurate and high-quality diagnostics, treatment according to the principles of evidence-based medicine;

  • Specialized Women's Health Center, where experienced gynecologists accept patients;

  • Own laboratory for rapid testing, including determining the type of causative agent of vaginal candidiasis.

  • Comfortable conditions in the clinic during the visit, confidentiality and friendliness of the staff..

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist at the link: gynecologists or by phone +38 044 521 30 03

Thrush, scientifically called candidiasis, is a condition associated with the appearance of fungal flora in a woman's vagina in large quantities. During her life, 3 out of 4 women encounter this problem. Vaginal candidiasis is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection. It can occur, including in women who do not have sex.

Microscopic fungi of the genus Candida inhabit the vagina in small quantities. Normally, they do not cause any symptoms. But if the balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed, the number of fungi increases, and thrush occurs. In most women, it appears "out of the blue" - for no apparent reason. The risk of developing vaginal candidiasis is increased by some factors:

  • Antibiotics (this is due to the suppression of healthy vaginal microflora, which inhibits the growth of fungi);

  • Hormonal drugs;

  • Weakened immune system (due to HIV, chemotherapy or taking certain drugs, the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, etc.);

  • Pregnancy;

  • Diabetes mellitus (especially if blood glucose levels are not kept within normal limits);
    Unbalanced nutrition;

  • Synthetic underwear, as well as improper use of sanitary pads.

    Candida fungi "love" warmth and moisture. To prevent thrush, doctors advise wearing cotton underwear, loose pants (it is better to give up tight jeans), and quickly changing into dry clothes after swimming or playing sports.



The most common symptoms of thrush include:

  • Itching or irritation in the vulva and vagina; 

  • Burning when urinating; 

  • Pain during intercourse;

  • Redness and swelling of the tissues of the vulva and vagina;

  • White lumpy or watery discharge.

The symptoms of thrush are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Therefore, you should not self-diagnose. If you have symptoms that resemble thrush, consult a gynecologist. You cannot know whether your complaints are caused by a fungal infection or other causes. Self-medication can lead to a loss of money and time, as well as a deterioration in your well-being.

To diagnose thrush, a gynecological examination and laboratory examination of urogenital discharge are sufficient. Thrush is treated with tablets or vaginal suppositories / creams. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the infection. Vaginal preparations are used for one, three or seven days. They are inserted into the vagina at night.
A tablet containing an antifungal agent is usually taken once. In case of a complicated infection, a second dose of the drug may be required after 72 hours. Side effects are rare and mild. These may include stomach upset, headache and rash.

About 5-8% of women have recurrent vaginal candidiasis. This means that they get thrush 4 or more times a year. Most cases are caused by fungi of the genus Candida, most often Candida albicans. Persistent or recurrent infection may be associated with rarer species, such as Candida glabrata or Candida krusei. Patients are prescribed a laboratory study of the discharge, which allows you to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease (PCR or culture).
Treatment of recurrent candidiasis is longer. Vaginal preparations are used for 7-14 days. The antifungal tablet must be taken more often and for longer. Patients with recurrent thrush may be offered preventive treatment so that the disease does not return again.
If you have symptoms of "thrush", do not self-medicate! Make an appointment with a gynecologist at the Women's Health Center of the Universal Clinic "Oberig". Call:  (044) 521 30 03