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pH-Impendance measurement

pH-Impendance measurement

Preparation for the study:

  • On the day of the study, exclude food and liquids.
  • before the study a light dinner is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • If you regularly take medications, these medications should be taken 3 hours before the scheduled procedure.
  • In the event that you are taking PPIs (proton pump inhibitors), - you should stop taking them 14 days before the examination (unless the doctor has given other recommendations).
  • In the event that you are taking H2-blockers, antacids - stop taking the drugs 1 day before the study. 

Attention! To conduct an impedance-pH study, you need:

  • a referral from a gastroenterologist or endoscopist, ECG results (not older than 1 month) and data from esophagogastroduodenoscopy - EGDS (not older than 12 months).