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On the direction
The team
On the direction

1. Accurate diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

Why is it important to accurately diagnose a stroke? The nature of stroke - hemorrhage or infarction of the brain to use the eye hard every p'fifth clinical diagnosis by an experienced physician, is erroneous. For example, the doctor takes a brain hemorrhage cerebral infarction and assigns the patient blood thinners. The result is the patient dies only because he was treated improperly.

the Precise diagnosis can only be made during the examination using the computer'computer tomography or MRI. Timely diagnosis is extremely important because emergency measures can significantly reduce the effects of shock.

the Stroke center of the Universal clinic “safeguarding” provides the ability to pass a full diagnostic to exclude or confirm the diagnosis of stroke, and to determine its type (ischemic or hemorrhagic). Diagnosis lasts about 4 hours, and include: mandatory'askofu MRI or MSCT diagnosis of brain, to determine the type of stroke, as well as the localization, a complete set of laboratory tests, ECG and consultation with a neurologist, which is, after all diagnostic procedures gives its opinion and recommendations on how to treat a stroke.

2. Intensive therapy in the acute period.

Acute stroke refers to the urgent conditions and what will be the actions in the first hours and days of “vascular catastrophes” on the fate of the patient, and often his life. Treatment of cerebral stroke in a specialized unit of our clinic provides constant monitoring of vital body functions - breathing, heart activity, kidney, etc. a Stroke is always a powerful stress to the body, aggravates all chronic diseases. For example, if a person had diabetes in a mild form when you can simply take a tablet medication, then after a stroke the patient has to move to insulin. Affects all organs and systems and the need to support their work and to deal with such terrible complications of a stroke as swallowing disorders, leading to severe pneumonia with thrombosis due to immobility of the patient. All this is possible in our center, equipped with modern breathing apparatus, monitors, monitor heart, blood oxygen saturation, blood parameters, etc. in addition, full access to modern diagnostic facilities (CT, MRI, ultrasound of heart, blood vessels, EEG, clinical and biochemical laboratory) allow time to correct the violations and to timely recognize life-threatening complications.

Stroke center of the Universal clinic “charm”, introducing the experience of the best stroke centers in the world, the principle of early mobilization of the patient. This, in turn, means that as soon as all the vital indicators of the patient stabilized, it is possible to raise from his hospital bed and begin early rehabilitation aimed at restoration of disturbed functions and neutralize the effects of stroke. It gives the most positive forecast of recovery of the patient.

How to prevent repeat strokes and further progression of the primary processes (atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, thrombosis, etc.)? The mainstay of medical therapy after a stroke is secondary prevention. First drug therapy after ischemic stroke aims to reduce the coagulation activity of the blood and prevent blood clots, therefore, all patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) should be conducted antiplatelet and / or anticoagulant therapy. In case of detection of hypertension (high blood pressure) in a patient who suffered a stroke in the secondary prevention algorithm adds antihypertensive drugs. Lipid disorders (cholesterol and fractions) are added to the algorithm is the need to use drugs that normalize lipid metabolism of statins. Thus, at least a triad of drugs (antiplatelet agents / anticoagulants, antihypertensives, and statins) constitute the drug treatments after stroke. More patients adhere to doctor's recommendations on taking medication for secondary prevention, the more effective the prevention of recurrent strokes. That is, secondary prevention of stroke and is synonymous with post-stroke medication. All other medications that are assigned to this period do not affect the prognosis of the disease and often even harmful to the patient.

3. Rehabilitation after a stroke.

After a severe stroke people are different. The majority of patients suffer from severe depression. This is especially difficult for those who are accustomed to an active lifestyle. They are incredibly difficult to adapt to the new conditions under the name “life after stroke". Some become aggressive, irritable, and unfair to families. Stroke, like any serious illness, experiences of human strength and no one has the right to judge those who can not withstand this test.

a recovery after a stroke Stroke center clinics “safeguarding” and the whole developed world, involves a multidisciplinary range of physical, mental and social rehabilitation, which starts as early as possible (often in the first days after stroke), proceeds continuously and with high intensity for a long time to achieve the maximum possible result. Rehabilitation in a Stroke center clinic on the stationary phase carries a multidisciplinary team of specialists (kinezioterapevt, the occupational therapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, etc.), with the participation of the relatives of the patient, taking into account its needs for a specially designed individual program of rehabilitation. The basis of the program is active in everything from early verticalization of the patient to intensive lessons in the recovery of motor functions and speech, skills for care and self-monitoring and correction of psycho-emotional functions in stroke patients. All activities are aimed at increasing self-esteem and quality of life of the patient and others.

With the patients of the Stroke unit operates up to 5 different specialists, both doctors and rehabilitators. Every day the patient spends 3 to 5 hours, being engaged in various rehabilitation practices is the only way to achieve the desired outcome and maximum recovery.

a Stroke — not a death sentence! Proven Stroke center clinics “safeguarding”! If You or Your loved one suffered a stroke, pam'remember the fastest possible hospitalization in a specialized Stroke center significantly increases the chances of surviving a serious disease! Do not hesitate, call the contact center of the Universal clinic “safeguarding” by phone:

The team
Flomin Yuriy Flomin Yuriy
  • Neurologist of the Stroke Center
  • Head of the Stroke Center
  • 28 years of medical experience
  • PhD in Medical Sciences
  • Honored Doctor of Ukraine
Kabanov Vitaliy Kabanov Vitaliy
  • Physical therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • 6 years of medical experience
Kushchenko Oleksandr Kushchenko Oleksandr
  • Physical therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • PhD in Physical Education and Sports
Havryliv Iryna Havryliv Iryna
  • Neurologist of the Stroke Center
  • 24 years of medical experience
  • PhD in Medical Sciences
Papp Inna Papp Inna
  • Speech therapist of the Stroke Center
  • Stroke Center Speech Therapist
Zashchipas Yuliia Zashchipas Yuliia
  • Speech therapist of the Stroke Center
  • Speech Therapist
Tsarenko Yulia Tsarenko Yulia
  • Speech therapist of the Stroke Center
  • Stroke Center Speech Therapist
Huliaeva Maryna Huliaeva Maryna
  • Head of the scientific and organizational department of the Stroke Center
  • Head of Scientific Department of the Stroke Center
  • 32 years of medical experience
  • Honored Doctor of Ukraine
Stroke Why "Oberig"?

 Stroke Center    of the Universal Clinic "Oberig" - it is a medical unit that has all the necessary medical-diagnostic and professional resources to help a patient with a stroke at any stage - whether  diagnosis of stroke  , intensive care of stroke in the acute period or   rehabilitation after stroke  .

Testimonials from our patients