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Diagnostic Department

Diagnostic Department
About the department
The team
About the department

We use high-class equipment - MRI and CT from Siemens.

  • The strength of the magnet MRI Magnetom Vida is twice that of standard MRI - 3 versus 1.5 Tesla (Tesla is a unit of measurement of magnetic induction).
  • This provides extremely clear and detailed images for a shorter examination time.
  • The Magnetom Vida can be used for MRI of the heart, lungs and intestines. Previously, MRI was not used to study these organs through their mobility.
  • Magnetom Vida makes it possible to carry out examination without holding the breath, which is important for children and patients in serious condition.
  • It is also quieter than conventional MRI.
  • We use CT Somatom go.Top and Somatom Confidence.
  • The radiation dose on such devices has been significantly reduced.
  • Somatom Confidence is a specialized CT scan for planning radiotherapy. The images obtained on it allow medical physicists to calculate the radiation dose, and oncologists to carry out contouring (precise selection of the tumor and critical organs).


Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation with a unique technology of wide-angle, 50-degree, HD Breast Tomosynthesis is installed in the mammological office of Oberig. This machine provides detailed images compared to systems with a smaller scanning angle.

  • Dignostics on Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation is more comfortable for patients thanks to the technology of personalized soft compression. The program calculates the optimal compression level for each gland and stops the compression when it is reached. Also, discomfort is reduced by using comfortable-shaped compression plates with soft edges.
  • High-precision HD Breast Biopsy + InSpect technology speeds up and facilitates the biopsy procedure, which can be performed in any patient position, including sitting and lying down.
  • In addition, Siemens MAMMOMAT Revelation is the device with the lowest radiation dose in the world.
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • computed tomography (CT)
  • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound)
  • pH-impendance measurement
  • daily blood pressure monitoring
  • Holter daily ambulatory ECG monitoring (HM ECG)
  • study of the function of external respiration. Spirography
  • x-ray
  • mammography
  • biopsy under the control of ultrasound and CT.

In addition, the clinic has the ability to conduct endoscopic diagnostics (gastroscopy, colonoscopy) to identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We also provide "second opinion" services if you need to confirm or deny a diagnosis already made. 

The team
Matsiievskyi Taras Matsiievskyi Taras
  • Radiologist
  • Head of Diagnostic Department
  • 22 years of medical experience
Bolgova Inga Bolgova Inga
  • Radiologist
  • 33 years of medical experience
  • Higher category
Olga Genadievna Ushakova Olga Genadievna Ushakova
  • Radiologist


Frunze Iryna Valeriivna Frunze Iryna Valeriivna
  • Radiologist

2,5 year expierenced doctor-radiologist

Korytska Oksana Korytska Oksana
  • Doctor of functional diagnostics

doctor of the highest qualification category

medical experience 35 years

Repina Nataliia Repina Nataliia
  • Doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics
  • 33 years of medical experience
  • Honored Doctor of Ukraine
Diagnostic Department Why Diagnostic Department?
  • The largest and only team of radiologists in Ukraine, which specializes in patient systems and organs. The in-depth expertise of radiologists in the subject area allows them to provide diagnostic assistance at an expert level.
  • Performing research in accordance with the full research protocol recommended by the American Association of Radiologists;
  • Regularly updated online MRI equipment software from the manufacturer Siemens Healthineers;
  • High clarity and detail of the image obtained on the MRI machine Siemens Magnetom Vida 3 Tesla;
  • On the Magnetom Vida device, you can perform MRI of moving organs (lungs, intestines);
  • Use of "pseudo-PET" technology for diagnosis of oncological diseases, detection of metastatic lesions;
  • Magnetom Vida makes it possible to conduct examinations without holding the breath, which is important for children and patients in a critical condition;
  • The possibility of conducting research under sedation;
  • Conducting MRI for patients weighing up to 200 kg;
  • Reduction of noise effects during research.