About the center
Gastroscopy (EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy, fibrogastroscopy, endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum ) is the most accurate diagnostic study that allows the physician endoscopist not only to examine the lining of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, but also to perform more accurate diagnostic manipulation:
- staining of the mucosa with a special dye to diagnose changes, including precancerous (chromoendoscopy);
- to study the vascular pattern using narrow-band modes ( NBI ) on the monitor with high resolution;
- establish the presence of infection (Helicobacter pylori) and to take small pieces of material mucosa for histological examination (polypositional biopsy).
Advantages of "OBERIG"
1. The high diagnostic value of endoscopic examinations, which is achieved thanks to the highest possible visualization quality, available on endoscopic equipment of the most modern generations from world manufacturers - the leading companies FUJI and Olympus.
2. Expert level of endoscopists, which is confirmed by relevant certificates and membership of our endoscopists in leading European and American professional associations.
3. Infectious safety of patients, which is achieved due to modern technologies of processing and disinfection of endoscopic equipment and has automated processing quality control systems, special cabinets for storing clean endoscopic equipment
4. A comfortable procedure for the patient, which is performed in a state of medicated sleep
5. Examination of biopsies in our own histological laboratory
6. Photo and video recording of research results
7. The possibility of medical intervention simultaneously with the diagnostic procedure.
Yakovenko Vladyslav
- Candidate of Medical Sciences
- Head of Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery
- 30 years of medical experience
Ivan Kotenko
- Surgeon
- Transplantologist
3 years of experience
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Яковенко Владиславу Александровичу за профессиональный подход и уникальные методы лечения сложных заболеваний. Я не ожидала, что в нашей стране...