Why "Oberig"?
In our clinic, the EEG is performed in accordance with the new recommendations (2017) of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 29 leads are used for routine recording, including the lower temporal row and 5 sagittal leads.
If you already have a treatment plan for your child, but want to know the opinion of another specialist - consult a pediatric neurologist at the Universal Clinic "Oberig" !! You will be listened to. You will be understood and offered a treatment scheme that is ideal for your child, taking into account all its individual characteristics.
If necessary (for example, with a crooked neck), the child can undergo a course of therapeutic massage with an experienced specialist Gavrilyuk Igor Alexandrovich .
We believe that successful treatment is possible only if partnership of three - a doctor, a small patient and parents!
Були у Анатолія Анатолійовича рік тому з приводу «епіактівності ГМ», якої як виявилося і в помині не було, а ми рік (!) приймали протисудомний препарат. Слава Богу, що є ще такі Лі...