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About the direction
About the direction

The ophthalmology office of the Oberig clinic, which is equipped with ophthalmological equipment from the world's leading companies Alcon (USA), Topcon (Japan), provides modern and complete diagnosis of the condition of the visual organ. Thanks to the perfect diagnostic complex, the selection of glasses is carried out with high diagnostic objectivity.

The organ of vision is not a separate part of the whole organism and therefore the general pathology is reflected in its condition. Professional cooperation of office specialists with cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, specialists in CT and MRI diagnostics makes it possible to establish with a high degree of reliability the causes of disorders of the visual organ and to conduct its timely treatment.

Shargorodska Iryna Shargorodska Iryna
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Glaucomatologist
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • 33 years of medical experience
Skliarova Anastasiia Skliarova Anastasiia
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Pediatric ophthalmologist
  • 15 years of medical experience
Ophthalmologist Why "Oberig"?

A comprehensive ophthalmological examination performed at the Oberig Clinic facilitates the timely detection of visual disturbances, hidden refractive errors, diagnosis of "office syndrome", which is often associated with "dry eye" syndrome.

services allows for outpatient ophthalmic surgery, treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the eye.

Отзывы наших пациентов


Склярова Анастасия Ивановна

Приємна,чарівна, людина!Професійний лікар! Щиро дякую!