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Inpatient Department

Inpatient Department
About the department
About the department

The "Oberig" inparient department is:

  • 24/7 hospitalization for patients with emergencies
  • Highly qualified medical staff with extensive experience
  • Resuscitation and intensive care unit, equipped with a system of round-the-clock monitoring of vital parameters, where patients are under round-the-clock supervision of the staff on duty.

All chambers of the polyfunctional hospital are equipped with a nurse call system, air temperature control, TV, refrigerator. There are enough wards equipped with oxygen support equipment. Our nurses are professional, reliable and responsible, they have the skills to help patients with different diagnoses, in different conditions. For the most effective treatment, each patient receives an individually tailored diet.

In the work of the inpatient department, we primarily pay attention to those things that directly affect the outcome of treatment and the patient's condition, among them:

Infectious safety. The hospital has developed and successfully used hygienic standards for all sources of nosocomial infection: air, ventilation, hands of medical personnel, equipment, premises and hospital linen.

Pain control. Postoperative patients often suffer from pain. "Oberig" uses European protocols for pain relief and comfortable recovery after surgery.

Multidisciplinary approach. A patient has access to doctors of related specialties, who will help prevent possible complications during treatment. In addition, the clinic has its own diagnostic laboratory and a Diagnostic Department, where patients are provided with express diagnostics to make an accurate diagnosis.


 In the inpatient department we treat diseases in the following areas of medicine:

  • gynecology
  • hepatology
  • urology
  • abdominal Surgery
  • ENT Surgery
  • neurosurgery
  • vascular Surgery
  • plastic Surgery
  • therapy
  • as well as pathological conditions in many other diseases.
Yurkiv Oleh Yurkiv Oleh
  • Surgeon
  • Proctologist
  • Doctor-surgeon
  • Proctologist surgeon
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Head of the Surgery Center
  • 21 hours of medical experience
Hrebin Mykola Hrebin Mykola
  • Anesthesiologist
  • Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • 36 years of medical experience
Sydorova Angelina Sydorova Angelina
  • Physician
  • Rheumatologist
  • 4 years of medical experience
Skaba Oleksandr Skaba Oleksandr
  • Anesthesiologist
  • 27 years of medical experience
Sorokina Valentyna Sorokina Valentyna
  • Anesthesiologist
  • 39 years of medical experience
Pomeranskyy Mykhailo Pomeranskyy Mykhailo
  • Anesthesiologist
  • 4 years of medical experience
Inpatient Department Why Inpatient Department?

In the work of the inpatient department, we primarily pay attention to the following principles:

  • Infectious safety. The clinic has developed and successfully used hygienic standards for all sources of nosocomial infection: air, ventilation, hands of medical personnel, equipment, premises and hospital linen.
  • Pain control. Postoperative patients often suffer from pain. Oberig uses European protocols for pain relief and comfortable recovery after surgery.
  • Multidisciplinary approach. A patient has access to doctors of related specialties, who will help prevent possible complications during treatment. In addition, the clinic has its own diagnostic laboratory and a Diagnostic Department, where patients are provided with express diagnostics to make an accurate diagnosis.