About the direction
In the Universal Clinic "Oberig" you are guaranteed to get an effective solution to your problems, because:
- The office of a proctologist is equipped with a full range of tools from leading manufacturers, necessary for a complete examination of the patient and further treatment .
- Powerful diagnostic department allows, if necessary, to conduct a number of additional diagnostic tests, such as videocolonoscopy, irigography, transrectal ultrasound, MRI or CT with three-dimensional reconstruction, including such a technique as "virtual colonoscopy ”(MSCT colonography).
- Proctologists are highly qualified and have extensive experience in Ukraine and abroad.
Yurkiv Oleh
- Doctor-surgeon
- Proctologist surgeon
- Candidate of Medical Sciences
- Head of the Surgery Center
- 21 hours of medical experience
Юрків Олег Євгенович - Лікар від Бога! Дуже раджу! Олег Евгенійович дуже професійний хірург. Я потрапила до клініки у дуже важкому стані просто на прийом до гастроентеролога Солов...