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Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology

Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology
About the center
About the center

The Center for Innovative Technologies in Pediatric Surgery and Urology is a fundamentally new stage in the development of childhood medicine for Ukraine. We know how to minimize the child's suffering and the extent of the surgeon's intervention. If you are looking for an expert center in the field of pediatric surgery and urology - contact the Universal Clinic "Oberig", and we will find the best solution to your child's problem! Hospitalization around the clock!


Pediatric laparoscopic surgery

This direction of the Center's work allows performing the entire range of surgical interventions in childhood, both in a planned manner (inguinal hernias, varicocele, cystic formations of the liver and spleen, cryptorchidism, diseases of the small intestine, Hirschsprung's disease, correction of gastroesophageal reflux, cholecystectomy, etc.), so and in an urgent (urgent) order (appendicitis, torsion of the ovaries in a girl, torsion of the ovarian cyst, peritonitis, perforation of the stomach and intestines, etc.)

Pediatric thoracoscopic surgery

A section of minimally invasive surgery, which allows performing surgical interventions on the esophagus, lungs, diaphragm and great vessels in the chest cavity. The methods of the thoracoscopic approach allow with the least trauma to perform operations for diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal achalasia, sequestration of the lung, cystic lesions of the lung parenchyma, neoplasms of the mediastinum, etc.

Pediatric minimally invasive and reconstructive urology

Correction of vesicourethral reflux of varying degrees, dissection of structures and valves of the urethra in boys, stenting of the ureter, removal of calculi from the bladder. With the help of laparoscopy, varicocele correction, fragmentary or complete nephrectomy, and hydronephrosis correction are performed. In addition, the specialists of the Center have all the conservative (medication) and surgical methods of treating hypospadias and epispadias in boys of various degrees (reconstructive pediatric urology).

Godik Oleh Godik Oleh
  • Children`s surgeon
  • 24 years of medical experience
  • PhD in Medical Science
Ustenko Gennady Nikolaevich Ustenko Gennady Nikolaevich
  • Children`s urologist
  • 34 years of medical experience
  • PhD in Medical Science
Levitsky Anatoliy Levitsky Anatoliy
  • Physician-pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
  • 46 years of medical experience
Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology
Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology
Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology

Why Center for Innovative Technology in Pediatric Surgery and Urology?

Since 2011, in clinic has been working a unique for Ukraine Center for Innovative Technologies in Pediatric Surgery and Urology. We prefer minimally invasive interventions: laparoscopy and thoracoscopy. The philosophy of our approach is to minimize all the unpleasant consequences of surgery, especially if it concerns a child.